Daftar Harga Phantom GENERAL DOCTOR



GD/A10001 Human Body Muscles with Internal Organs        78,375,000

GD/A10002 Dual Sex Torso:20-Part        14,500,000

GD/A10003 Dual sex Torso with Open Back:32-part        25,750,000

GD/A10004 Transparent Torso with Internal Organs        30,500,000

GD/A10005 Transparent Torso with Main Neural and Vescular Structures         30,938,000

GD/A11101/1 Aritificial Human Skeleton (male)          8,000,000

GD/A11101/2 Aritificial Human Skeleton (female)          8,000,000

GD/A11101/3 Human Skeleton(male) 85cm          1,500,000

GD/A11102/1 Human Skeleton With One-side Painted Muscles (male)          9,500,000

GD/A11102/2 Human Skeleton With One-side Painted Muscles (female)          9,500,000

GD/A11103 Scatterecd Bone Model of Human Skeleton(Free bone)          4,750,000

GD/A11104 Vertebral Column           2,625,000

GD/A11105 Vertebral Column with Pelvis          2,875,000

GD/A11106 Vertebral Column          2,125,000

GD/A11107 Cervical Vertebra Column          1,250,000

GD/A11108 Thoracic Vertebra Column          1,563,000

GD/A11109 Lumbar Vertebra Column          1,563,000

GD/A11110 Adult Skull          2,000,000

GD/A11111/1 Colored Adult  Skull           2,250,000

GD/A11111/2 Adult Skull with Colored Muscles          2,000,000

GD/A11112 Adult Skull with Nerves          2,625,000

GD/A11113 Adult Skull with Blood Vessels and Nerves          3,625,000

GD/A11114 Child Skul          1,500,000

GD/A11115 Infant Skull          1,000,000

GD/A11116/1 Dissected Model of Adult Skull          3,375,000

GD/A11116/2 Dissected Model of Adult Skull with Coloring           3,375,000

GD/A11118 Skull Separation Model           2,375,000

GD/A11119 Temporal Bone Model           1,250,000

GD/A11120 Amplified Alar Bone           1,500,000

GD/A11121 Amplified Ethmoid Bone           1,250,000

GD/A11123 Arm, Scapular and Collar Bone           1,500,000

GD/A11124 Arm Bone Model           1,375,000

GD/A11125 Palm Bone with Elbow-bone and Radial Bone          1,250,000

GD/A11126 Palm Bone Model           1,000,000

GD/A11127 Male Pelvis          1,500,000

GD/A11128 Female Pelvis          1,500,000

GD/A11129 Pelvis with Lumbar Spine and Femoral Head          3,000,000

GD/A11130 Bones of Lower Limb with Hip Bone          2,000,000

GD/A11131 Bones of Lower Limb          1,750,000

GD/A11132 Bones of Foot, Calf bone and Shinbone Model           1,375,000

GD/A11133 Bones of Foot             875,000

GD/A11201/1 Shoulder Joint Model          1,000,000

GD/A11201/2 Elbow Joint Model          1,000,000

GD/A11201/3 Hand Joint Model          1,000,000

GD/A11201/4 Hip Joint Model          1,000,000

GD/A11201/5 Knee Joint Model          1,000,000

GD/A11201/6 Foot Joint Model          1,000,000

GD/A11202 Shoulder Joint Section          1,000,000

GD/A11203 Elbow Joint Section          1,000,000

GD/A11204 Hand Section          1,000,000


GD/A11205 Hip Joint Section          1,000,000

GD/A11206 Knee Joint Section          1,000,000

GD/A11207 Foot Section          1,000,000

GD/A11209/1 Shoulder Joint           1,250,000

GD/A11209/2 Elbow Joint           1,250,000

GD/A11209/3 Hip Joint          1,250,000

GD/A11209/4 Knee Joint           1,250,000

GD/A11209/5 Hand Joint           1,250,000

GD/A11209/6 Foot Joint           1,250,000

GD/A11210 Elbow Joint with Functional Muscles          1,500,000

GD/A11301/1 Muscles of Male with internal Organs(78cm high)        10,500,000

GD/A11301/2 Muscles of Male with internal Organs(170cm high)        83,500,000

GD/A11302/1 Muscles of Male (78cm high)          9,750,000

GD/A11302/2 Muscles of Male (170cm high)        73,125,000

GD/A11303 Muscles of Male          4,375,000

GD/A11305 Muscles of Arm with Main vessels and Nerves          7,625,000

GD/A11307 Muscle of Hand with Main Vessels and Nerves           3,375,000

GD/A11308 Muscle of Leg with Main vessels and Nerves          8,500,000

GD/A11309 Muscle of Foot with Main Vessels and Nerves          3,875,000

GD/A11310 Norma, Flat, Arched Foot           2,875,000

GD/A11311 Foot Anatomy          1,500,000

GD/A11312 Median Sagittal Section of Foot          1,625,000

GD/A11313 Planta Anatomy          2,875,000

GD/A12001 Degestive System          3,625,000

GD/A12002 Stomach          1,500,000

GD/A12003 Stomach Wall          1,500,000

GD/A12004 Pancreas with Spleen and Duodenum          1,062,500

GD/A12005 Internal surface of the Jejunum          2,375,000

GD/A12006 Appendix and Caecum          1,500,000

GD/A12008 Liver          1,000,000

GD/A12009 Liver and Gall Bladder          1,500,000

GD/A13001 Nasal, Oral, Pharynx and Larynx Cavities        13,125,000

GD/A13002 Median Sagittal Section of Nasal Cavity          2,125,000

GD/A13003 Larynx with Tongue and Teeth          2,625,000

GD/A13004 Larynx          1,250,000

GD/A13005 Functional Model of Larynx          3,375,000

GD/A13006 Larynx ,Trachea and Bronchial Tree Model          2,375,000

GD/A13007 Bronchial Tree          1,375,000

GD/A13008 Respiratory System          6,250,000

GD/A13009 Transparent Lung Segments Model          2,500,000

GD/A13010 Lung Segments Model          2,125,000

GD/A13011 Lobule and Alveolus of Lung           3,375,000

GD/A13011/1 Magnified Lobule Model          1,875,000

GD/A13011/2 Magnified Alveolus Model          1,750,000

GD/A13012 Larynx,Heart and Lung           3,500,000

GD/A13013 Transparent Lung, Trachea and Bronchia Tree with Heart          4,750,000

GD/A13014 Mediastinum Model          4,250,000

GD/A13015 Electronic breath system model        19,375,000

GD/A13016 Thoracic Cavity Model        14,750,000

GD/A14001 Urinary Organs          2,000,000

GD/A14002 Female Urinary Organ          1,875,000

GD/A14003 Male Urinary Organ          1,875,000

GD/A14004 Urinary System          3,125,000


GD/A14005 Kidney          1,500,000

GD/A14006 Kidney and Adrenal Gland          1,875,000

GD/A14007 Kidney,Nephron and Glomerulus          4,500,000

GD/A14008 Transparent Renal Segment          1,750,000

GD/A15101 Median Section of Male Pelvis          2,625,000

GD/A15102 Male Genital Organs          3,125,000

GD/A15103 Magnified Testicle          1,250,000

GD/A15104 Median Section of Female Pelvis          2,375,000

GD/A15105 Female Genital Organs          2,375,000

GD/A15106 Female Pelvis          2,625,000

GD/A15107 Female Pelvis with Blood vessels and Nervers          4,750,000

GD/A15108 Female Inner Genital Organs          1,500,000

GD/A15109 Anatomical Uterus          1,250,000

GD/A15110 Mammary Gland in Resting Period          1,750,000

GD/A15111 Mammary Gland in Lactation          1,750,000

GD/A15112 Male Perineum Anatomy          1,625,000

GD/A15113 Female Perineum Anatomy           1,750,000

GD/A16001 Circulatory System Model          3,500,000

GD/A16002 Magbified Artery and Vein Model          4,000,000

GD/A16003 Electronic Model and Lesser Circulation        18,375,000

GD/A16004 Electronic Heart Best and Blood Circulation Model          9,750,000

GD/A16005/1 Electronic Human Cardiac Cycle with Greater and Lesser Circulation Simulator (100cm)        62,750,000

GD/A16005/2 Electronic Human Cardiac Cycle with Greater and Lesser Circulation Simulator (Natural)      166,875,000

GD/A16006 Adult Heart Model          2,625,000

GD/A16007 Adult Heart Model          2,375,000

GD/A16008 Child Heart Model          1,375,000

GD/A16009 Electronic Psychoneural Simulator        20,125,000

GD/A16010 Electronic Compensatory Cirulation of Portal Vein Model        21,500,000

GD/A16011 Lymphatic System          6,875,000

GD/A17101 Eyeball (2 parts, enlarged 5 times)          1,500,000

GD/A17102 Eyeball (5 position)          1,750,000

GD/A17103 Eyeball (7 parts, enlarged 5 times)          2,375,000

GD/A17104 Eyeball with Part of Orbit          3,188,000

GD/A17105 Eyeball and Orbit with Vessels and Nerves        14,625,000

GD/A17106 Show-case with Human Eye          4,413,000

GD/A17107 Pupil        10,313,000

GD/A17108 Working Principle Model of Eye          3,500,000

GD/A17109 Common Ailment of Eye        22,750,000

GD/A17110 Oculopathy Model        10,000,000

GD/A17201 Ear Anatomy          2,125,000

GD/A17202 Enlarged Ear          5,000,000

GD/A17203 Auditory Ossicles Model          1,375,000

GD/A17204 Inner Ear,Auditory Ossicles and Tympanic Membrane          2,250,000

GD/A17205 Labyrinth Model          1,750,000

GD/A18001 Neuron Model           2,125,000

GD/A18002 Spinal Cord In the Spinal Canal          1,500,000

GD/A18003 Skeletal Muscular Frbre with Motor End-plate          2,000,000

GD/A18101 Nervous System          4,000,000

GD/A18102 Spinal Cord In the Spinal Canal          5,125,000

GD/A18103 Spinal Cord with  Nerve Branches          2,375,000

GD/A18104 Fifth Cervical Vertebra With Spinal Cord And Nerve          1,375,000


GD/A18105 Cervical Vertebra with Spinal Cord          1,375,000

GD/A18106 Thoracic Vertebra with Spinal Cord          1,500,000

GD/A18107 Lumbar Vertebra with Spinal Cord and Cauda Equina Nerve          1,375,000

GD/A18108 Mouth,Nose,Pharynx and Larynx with Vessels and Nerves          2,625,000

GD/A18109 Nerves and Vessels in the Facial Skull          5,125,000

GD/A18110 Sympathetic Nerve System          6,375,000

GD/A18111 Electric Model of Autonomic Nerves        21,000,000

GD/A18201 Brain          2,375,000

GD/A18202 Median Section of the Head          2,375,000

GD/A18203 Brain           4,250,000

GD/A18204 Abrain Lobe Model          2,250,000

GD/A18205 Functional Localization of Cerebral Cortex          2,625,000

GD/A18206 Functional Zones of Cerebral Cortex          3,625,000

GD/A18210 Half Head with Vessels          2,500,000

GD/A18211 Head with Muscles          7,875,000

GD/A18212 Head and Neck with Blood Vessels ,Nerves and Brain          9,375,000

GD/A18213 Magnified Thalamus Model          2,125,000

GD/A18215 Brainstem          2,125,000

GD/A18219 Brain with Arteries          3,625,000

GD/A18220 Brain with Arteries          2,625,000

GD/A18223 Electric Brain Stem with Voice Prompts         21,750,000

GD/A18224 Electric Model of Composition and Distribution of Spinal Nerve         20,125,000

GD/A18225 Electric Model of Spinal Reflex  and Injury  Performance         22,625,000

GD/A18226 Micro-computer Electric Model of Central Nervous Conduction         22,000,000

GD/A19001 Electronic Model of Hypothalamic Hypophyseal System        23,625,000

GD/A19002 Human Secretory Organs           3,750,000

GD/A19003 Menstrual Cycle Model          3,875,000

GD/A30001 Sectional Anatomy of Human Head and Neck Cross-sectional Model         12,375,000

GD/A30002 Cross-sectional Model of Male Torso Sectional Anatomy         55,000,000

GD/A30003 Cross-sectional Model of Female Torso Sectional Anatomy         57,375,000

GD/A41001 Skin Section          2,375,000

GD/A41002 Skin Block           2,000,000

GD/A41003 Enlarged Ovary           7,125,000

GD/A42001 Fertilization Process Simulator          3,375,000

GD/A42002 Human Fertilization and Early Embryogeny        10,625,000

GD/A42003 Human Fertilization and Intermediate Embryogeny          6,000,000

GD/A42004 Embryo          1,000,000

GD/A42005 Embryonic Development        15,125,000

GD/A42005/1 First Month Pregnancy          1,875,000

GD/A42005/2 Second Month Pregnancy          1,875,000

GD/A42005/3 Third Month Pregnancy          1,875,000

GD/A42005/4 Fourth Month Pregnancy          1,875,000

GD/A42005/5 Fifth Month Pregnancy          1,875,000

GD/A42005/6 Sixth Month Pregnancy          1,875,000

GD/A42005/7 Seventh Month Pregnancy          1,875,000

GD/A42005/8 Fifth Month Twins Pregnancy          3,000,000

GD/A42006 Pelvis with Uterus in Ninth Month Pregnancy          4,500,000

GD/A42007 Demontration Model of Childbirth          8,000,000

GD/A42008 Fetus with Viscera and Placenta          4,625,000

GD/A42009 Fetal Circulatory System          4,125,000

GD/A42010/1 Placenta Model          1,500,000

GD/A42010/2 Enlarged Model of Placenta          2,000,000


GD/ACLS1400 Comprehensive Neonatal Emergency Skills Training Manikin (teacher)      291,875,000

GD/ACLS1400 Comprehensive Neonatal Emergency Skills Training Manikin (student)      283,500,000

GD/ACLS145 ACLS Neonatal Training Manikin      143,500,000

GD/ACLS1500 Comprehensive Infant Emergency Skills Training Manikin(teacher)      319,125,000

GD/ACLS1500 Comprehensive Infant Emergency Skills Training Manikin(student)      291,125,000

GD/ACLS155 ACLS Infant Training Manikin      157,875,000

GD/ACLS1600A Comprehensive Child Emergency Skills TrainingManikin(Teacher)-(Five-year-old Child)      338,000,000

GD/ACLS1600A Comprehensive Child Emergency Skills Training Manikin(student)-(Five-year-old Child)      305,125,000

GD/ACLS1600B Comprehensive Child Emergency Skills Training Manikin(teacher)-(One-year-old Child)      315,500,000

GD/ACLS1600B Comprehensive Child Emergency Skills Training Manikin(student)-(One-year-old Child)      294,000,000

GD/ACLS165A ACLS Child Training Manikin(5-year-old Child)      178,500,000

GD/ACLS165B ACLS Child Training Manikin(1-year-old Child)      161,375,000

GD/ACLS800  ACLS Adult Training Manikin      258,250,000

GD/ACLS8000A Comprehensive Adult Emergency Skills Training Manikin(Teacher)      366,125,000

GD/ACLS8000A Comprehensive Adult Emergency Skills Training Manikin(Student)      322,750,000

GD/ACLS8000C Comprehensive Adult Emergency Skills Training Manikin(Teacher)      398,875,000

GD/ACLS8000C Comprehensive Adult Emergency Skills Training Manikin(Student)      366,125,000

GD/ACLS8000D Comprehensive Adult Emergency Skills Training Manikin(Teacher)      647,625,000

GD/ACLS8000D Comprehensive Adult Emergency Skills Training Manikin(Student)      586,625,000

GD/AED99D AED Training Simulator        30,000,000

GD/AED99D+ AED Simulator and CPR Manikin set        40,125,000

GD/AED99E Automatically External Defibrillation Simulator        56,375,000

GD/AED99F Automatically External Defibrillation Simulator        44,625,000

GD/ALS10750 ACLS Training Manikin      134,875,000

GD/ALS10750+ ALS Training Manikin      179,250,000

GD/ALS750 ACLS Training Manikin      126,875,000

GD/ALS750+ ALS Training Manikin      178,500,000

GD/B10001 Set of Teeth of an Adult             875,000

GD/B10002 Lower Jaw of 12 Year-old          1,250,000

GD/B10003 Lower Jaw of 18 Year-old          1,750,000

GD/B10004 Teeth Model          4,750,000

GD/B10004/1 Lower Incisor             688,000

GD/B10004/2 Lower Canine             688,000

GD/B10004/3 Lower Molar with One Root             750,000

GD/B10004/4 Lower Incisor with Two Roots          1,500,000

GD/B10004/5 Lower First Upper Molar with Three Roots          1,500,000

GD/B10005/1 Molar Model          3,500,000

GD/B10005/2 Dental Caries Model          3,625,000

GD/B10006 Development of A set of Teeth          5,250,000

GD/B10007 Dissected Model of Teeth Tissue           2,375,000

GD/B10008 Dissected Model of Dental Tissue           1,500,000

GD/B10009 Dissected Model of Dental Caries          2,625,000

GD/B10010 Transparent Adult Teeth Model          3,125,000

GD/B10011 Transparent Dental Pathology Model          5,000,000

GD/B10012 Transparent Milk Teeth Development Model          3,000,000


GD/B10013 Transparent Milk Teeth Pathology Model          4,500,000

GD/B10014 Periodontal Disease Model          3,500,000

GD/B10015/1 Clinical Model of Endodontics          3,625,000

GD/B10015/2 Clinical Model of Endodontics          3,625,000

GD/B10016 Half of the Upper and Lower Jaw          2,500,000

GD/B10017 Case of Series Model of Teeth Affection          2,000,000

GD/B10018 Case of Series Model of Teeth Affection          2,500,000

GD/B10020 Dental Workbench      118,375,000

GD/B10023/2 Simulated Standard Head Model        36,000,000

GD/B10023/3 Simulated Hans Head Model         17,375,000

GD/B10023/4 Simulated Shoulder and Head Model         62,750,000

GD/B10024 Occluder Device and Teeth Model            1,250,000

GD/B10025/A Head Former          3,500,000

GD/B10026 Simulated Standard Teeth Model with Nuts Fixation          4,750,000

GD/B10027 Standard Transparent PE Teeth  Model          7,125,000

GD/B10028 Detachable Teeth Model without Root           5,750,000

GD/B10029 Detachable Teeth Model with Root           8,500,000

GD/B10030 Three-year-old Primary and Permanent Teeth Alternating Model            7,875,000

GD/B10031 Periodontal Disease Demonstration Model           8,750,000

GD/B10032 Periodontal Disease Demonstration Model         10,500,000

GD/B10033 Standard Full-mouth Teeth Model           5,750,000

GD/B10034 Amplified Teeth Model           7,875,000

GD/B10035 Orthodontic Model           4,750,000

GD/B10036 Fixed Orthodontic Model (Normal)          7,875,000

GD/B10037 Fixed Orthodontic Model (Normal)          6,000,000

GD/B10038 Fixed Orthodontic Model (Dislocation)          6,000,000

GD/B10039 Tooth Morphology Model           7,125,000

GD/B10040 Carved Teeth Model        11,500,000

GD/B10041 Mandibular Anatomy Model           8,500,000

GD/B10042 Fissue Sealant Demonstration Model           4,750,000

GD/B10043 Standard Cavity Former without Dentition           2,125,000

GD/B10044 Standard Cavity Former with Dentition           2,125,000

GD/B10045 Half side Dental Former          8,750,000

GD/BLS10600 CPR & AED Training Manikin      134,875,000

GD/BLS10700+ CPR , AED Training Manikin      156,750,000

GD/BLS600 CPR & AED Training Manikin      125,500,000

GD/BLS700+ CPR , AED Training Manikin      147,750,000

GD/C00002 Fourteen Channel Electric Acupuncture Manikin(Male, 85cm)        13,125,000

GD/C00003 Fourteen Channel Acupuncture Manikin(Male 84cm)          5,125,000

GD/C00005 Acupuncture Cupreous Manikin(170cm)        25,500,000

GD/C00007 Human Acupuncture Manikin(Male 50cm)             938,000

GD/C00008 Human Acupuncture Manikin(Female 48cm)             938,000

GD/C00012 Acupuncture Head (Life size) 22cm             500,000

GD/C00013 Acupuncture Ear (17cm)             375,000

GD/C00014 Acupuncture Ear (23cm)             500,000

GD/C00015 Acupuncture Hand  (14cm)             250,000

GD/C00016 Acupuncture Foot (15cm)             375,000

GD/C00016/1 Acupuncture Foot              625,000

GD/CPR Board CPR Pressure Board           4,375,000

GD/CPR10150 Infant CPR Training Manikin         31,000,000

GD/CPR10160 Child CPR Training Manikin        35,875,000

GD/CPR10170 Half-body CPR Training Manikin        19,875,000

GD/CPR10175 Advanced Half-body CPR Training Mankin        20,625,000


GD/CPR10180 (F) Advanced Full-body CPR Training Mankin        34,875,000

GD/CPR10180 (H) Advanced Half-body CPR Training Mankin        31,625,000

GD/CPR10200(F) Advanced CPR Training Manikin(Full body)        39,625,000

GD/CPR10200(H) Advanced CPR Training Manikin (Half body)        35,875,000

GD/CPR10280 Advanced CPR Training Manikin        43,875,000

GD/CPR10300 Advanced CPR Training Manikin        58,125,000

GD/CPR10300-C Advanced Automatic Computer CPR Manikin        83,500,000

GD/CPR10400 Advanced CPR Training Manikin        76,500,000

GD/CPR10400-C Advanced CPR Training Manikin         76,500,000

GD/CPR10500 CPR Training Manikin        99,125,000

GD/CPR140 Infant Obstruction Model          8,000,000

GD/CPR145 Adult Obstruction Model        24,875,000

GD/CPR150 Infant CPR Training Manikin         27,375,000

GD/CPR160 Child CPR Training Manikin        32,375,000

GD/CPR168A Mini CPR Training Manikin(Electronics Type)          2,625,000

GD/CPR168B Mini CPR Training Manikin(Mechnical Type)          2,125,000

GD/CPR169 Half-body CPR Training Manikin          13,750,000

GD/CPR170S Half-body CPR Training Manikin        15,500,000

GD/CPR175S Advanced Half-bofy CPR Training Manikin        17,000,000

GD/CPR180S (F) Advanced Full-body CPR Training Mankin        27,000,000

GD/CPR180S (H) Advanced Half-body CPR Training Mankin        23,750,000

GD/CPR200S(F) Advanced CPR Training Manikin(Full body)        32,375,000

GD/CPR200S(H) Advanced CPR Training Manikin(Half body)        28,750,000

GD/CPR280S Advanced CPR Training Manikin        37,375,000

GD/CPR300S-A  Advanced CPR Training Manikin        46,750,000

GD/CPR300S-B Advanced CPR Training Manikin        51,750,000

GD/CPR300S-C Advanced Automatic Computer CPR Manikin        61,750,000

GD/CPR400S Advanced CPR Training Manikin        69,000,000

GD/CPR400S-C Advanced CPR Training Manikin         79,125,000

GD/CPR500 CPR Training Manikin        91,625,000

GD/F20 Childbirth skills training Simulator        39,500,000

GD/F20 Plus Childbirth skills training Simulator Plus        46,000,000

GD/F20G Labor Delivery Simulator        10,000,000

GD/F21 Advanced Wearable Gravida Simulator        24,500,000

GD/F23 Pelvis with Fetal Heads Model        10,250,000

GD/F30P Gynecological Examination Simulator        16,375,000

GD/F30S Gynecological Examination Simulator        23,000,000

GD/F31 Advanced Fundus of Uterus Examination and Evaluation Simulator        17,375,000

GD/F35 Advanced Gynecological Training Simulator        33,500,000

GD/F3A Perineum Cutting and Suturing Training Simulator          6,375,000

GD/F3B Vulva suturing Training Simulator          4,125,000

GD/F4 Difficult Labor Simulator        10,875,000

GD/F52 Advanced Delivery Mechanism Demonstration Simulator        11,500,000

GD/F53 Advanced Manual Delivery Mechanism Demonstration Simulator        19,875,000

GD/F54 Advanced Abdominal Palpation and Delivery Mechanism Demonstration Simulator        27,375,000

GD/F55 Advanced Delivery and Maternal and Neonatal Emergency Simulator      142,500,000

GD/F56 Advanced Delivery and Maternal and Neonatal Emergency Simulator(With software)                         -

GD/F5L Advanced IUD Training Model          4,750,000

GD/F5M Male Condom Model          1,750,000


GD/F5N IUD Training Model          1,500,000

GD/F6 Leopold Maneuvers Simulator        12,625,000

GD/F7A Breast Examination Simulator          8,125,000

GD/F7B Advanced Inspection and Palpation of Breast Simulator        23,750,000

GD/F7C Breast Examination Simulator        17,250,000

GD/F8 Vacuum Delivery Simulator        10,000,000

GD/F9A Male Condom Model (Large, middle , small ) 3pcs          1,250,000

GD/F9B Advanced Female Contraception Practice Model          4,125,000

GD/F9C Advanced Subcutaneous Embedded Contraceptive Training Arm          4,500,000

GD/F9D Advanced Subcutaneous Embedded Guiding Model             875,000

GD/F9E IUD Training Model          1,250,000

GD/F9F IUD Training Model             750,000

GD/FT1 1-Month Baby Model          2,250,000

GD/FT13 Infant Nursing Model        20,125,000

GD/FT2 Newborn Baby Model(3200g)          2,625,000

GD/FT2 Newborn Baby Model          4,125,000

GD/FT3 Newborn Baby Model           2,500,000

GD/FT3 Newborn Baby Model          4,250,000

GD/FT32 Transparent Curettage Model        26,000,000

GD/FT330 High Intelligent Infant Simulator        29,250,000

GD/FT331A Advanced premature infant Model (24 weeks)          5,500,000

GD/FT331B Advanced  Premature Infant Model (30 weeks)          6,138,000

GD/FT332 Full-functional One-year-old Child Nursing Manikin(Nursing, CPR)        39,500,000

GD/FT333 Advanced Multi-functional Three-Year-Old Child Nursing Manikin        19,875,000

GD/FT334 Full-functional Five-year-old Child Nursing Manikin(Nursing,CPR)        42,750,000

GD/FT335 Full-functional Neonatal Nursing Manikin(Nursing, CPR)        34,875,000

GD/FT336 Advanced Embryo Developmemt Process Simulator        11,875,000

GD/FT337 Full-functional Infant Nursing Manikin(Nursing, CPR)        50,000,000

GD/FT33A Advanced Artificial Abortion Simulated Uterus          9,000,000

GD/FT33B Female Contraception Simulator          5,875,000

GD/FT4 Newborn Baby Model ( 3201g)          1,250,000

GD/FT4 Newborn Baby Model           2,875,000

GD/FT432 Full-functional One-year-old Child Nursing Manikin(Nursing, CPR,Auscultation)        68,875,000

GD/FT434 Full-functional Five-year-old Child Nursing Manikin(Nursing,CPR,Auscultation)      717,000,000

GD/FT435 Full-functional Neonatal Nursing Manikin(Nursing, CPR, Auscultation)        62,750,000

GD/FT437 Full-functional Infant Nursing Manikin(Nursing, CPR, Auscultation)        67,250,000

GD/FT532 Full-functional One-year-old Child Nursing Manikin(Nursing,CPR,Ausculation, Defibrillation and Pacing, ECG)      123,125,000

GD/FT534 Full-functional Five-year-old Child Nursing Manikin(Nursing, CPR, Auscultation, Defibrillation and Pacing, ECG)      125,500,000

GD/FT535 Full-functional Neonatal Nursing Manikin(Nursing,CPR,Ausculation, Defibrillation and Pacing, ECG)      116,250,000

GD/FT537 Full-functional Infant Nursing Manikin(Nursing, CPR, Auscultation, Defibrillation and Pacing,ECG)      120,875,000

GD/FW1 Maternity Examination Simulator        22,375,000

GD/FW2 Maternity Examination Simulator        30,500,000

GD/H100S Basic Combination Nursing Manikin        21,625,000

GD/H11 Dental Care Model          1,250,000

GD/H111 Trauma Nursing Care Manikin        44,000,000

GD/H111-20 Advanced Trauma Accessories        24,500,000

GD/H1200 Online Version of Nursing Skills Training System(teacher)      618,500,000


GD/H1200 Online Version of Nursing Skills Training System(student)      560,375,000

GD/H120A Advanced Nursing manikin (Male)        27,000,000

GD/H120B Advanced Nursing manikin (Female)        28,125,000

GD/H125 Nursing Manikin        42,750,000

GD/H126 High Intelligent Comprehensive Nursing Manikin      125,500,000

GD/H128 Advanced Nursing Mnaikin      225,375,000

GD/H130 Advanced Nursing Baby        14,375,000

GD/H132 Advanced Neonatal Umbillcal Cord Nursing Model        15,875,000

GD/H16E Transparent Male Urethral Catheterization Simulator        22,000,000

GD/H16F Transparent  Female Urethral Catheterization Simulator        22,000,000

GD/H17E Advanced Male Urethral Catheterization Simulator        10,125,000

GD/H17F Advanced Female Urethral Catheterization Simulator        10,125,000

GD/H18E Male Urethral Catheterization Simulator          2,375,000

GD/H18F Femalle Urethral Catheterization Simulator          2,375,000

GD/H2 Multi-functional Nursing Manikin(Female)        10,125,000

GD/H220A Advanced Full-functional Elderly Nursing Manikin        30,625,000

GD/H220B Advanced Full-functional Elderly Nursing Manikin        32,125,000

GD/H23 Adult Tracheotomy Care Model        20,875,000

GD/H230 Advanced Wearable Elderly Action Simulator Suit        30,625,000

GD/H24 Child Tracheotomy Care Model        12,625,000

GD/H240 Advanced Wearable Simulation Suit for Elderly Hemiparalysis Nursing         24,875,000

GD/H27 Electronic Urethral Catheterization and Enema Training Simulator        15,875,000

GD/H28E Advanced Wearable Male Urethral Catheterization Simulator          3,625,000

GD/H28F Advanced Wearable Female Urethral Catheterization Model          3,625,000

GD/H29E Advanced Male Bladder Puncture Simulator        27,375,000

GD/H29F Advanced Female Bladder Puncture Simulator        27,375,000

GD/H35 Enema and Assisted Defecation Training Simulator        27,375,000

GD/H37 Advanced Wearable Artificial Defecation Training Simulator        12,625,000

GD/H38 Ostomy Care Simulator        22,750,000

GD/H7 Basic Nursing Manikin        17,250,000

GD/H70 Basic Nursing Manikin        20,375,000

GD/H70-1 Nasogastric Feeding and Trachea Intubation Care Training Simulator        13,750,000

GD/H7-1 Transparent gastric lavage simulator with alarm set        10,875,000

GD/H72 Advanced Parenteral Alimentation Nursing Model        38,500,000

GD/H80 Multifunctional Transparent Gastric Lavage Training Model        51,750,000

GD/H81 Advanced Nasogastric Tube and Trachea Nursing Model        57,375,000

GD/H85 Advanced Suction Training Model        23,750,000

GD/H88 Swallow Mechanism Simulator        47,500,000

GD/H90E Decubitus Wound Care Model        14,500,000

GD/H90F Stage Decubitus Ulcer Care Model        12,625,000

GD/HS1 IV Training Arm          6,875,000

GD/HS10A Electronic Buttocks Intramuscular Injection Simulator        14,375,000

GD/HS10B Advanced Buttocks Intramuscular Injection Simulator        38,500,000

GD/HS10C Advanced Intramuscular Injection Training Model        23,375,000

GD/HS10D Buttocks Intramuscular Injection Simulator          4,125,000

GD/HS12 Intradermal Injection Arm          7,125,000

GD/HS13 Advanced Elder Venipuncture Training Arm          7,250,000

GD/HS14E I.V. Injection Training Kit(5 pcs/kit)          6,500,000

GD/HS14E I.V Injection Training Pad          1,375,000

GD/HS14F I.V.Injection Training Kit(6 pcs/kit)          6,250,000

GD/HS14F I.V Injection Training Pad (big)          1,000,000


GD/HS14F I.V Injection Training Pad(small)             750,000

GD/HS16 Advanced Intravenous Transfusion Leg Model        10,125,000

GD/HS17 Advanced Insulin Injection Training Pad           1,375,000

GD/HS18E Multi-function Intramuscular Injection Training Kit  (3pcs/kit)          4,750,000

GD/HS18E-1 Multi-function Intramuscular Injection Training Pad          1,375,000

GD/HS18F Intramuscular Injection Training kit(10pcs/kit)          4,250,000

GD/HS18F-1 Intramuscular Injection Training pad             625,000

GD/HS19 Advanced Diabetic Foot Nursing Model          2,375,000

GD/HS2 Multi-functional IV Training Arm        10,875,000

GD/HS20E Upper-arm Intramuscular Injection Simulator        11,625,000

GD/HS20F Upper-arm Intramuscular Injection Simulator with Alarming System        44,125,000

GD/HS3 Full-function IV Training Arm        14,375,000

GD/HS32 Advanced Pediatric Venipuncture Hand Model          6,000,000

GD/HS33 Advanced Young Childred Venipuncture Arm Model          5,250,000

GD/HS34 Advanced Infant Venipuncture Leg Model          5,500,000

GD/HS36 Advanced Infant Arterial Injection Model          6,750,000

GD/HS37 Advanced Infant Arteriopuncture Training Arm          5,500,000

GD/HS39 Full-functional Vein Injection Arm        21,250,000

GD/HS42 Hand and Elbow Combined Intravenous Transfusion Training Arm          6,500,000

GD/HS4E Arterial Arm Stick Kit         10,875,000

GD/HS4F Rotatable Radial Artery Puncture Arm Model        47,500,000

GD/HS4G Advanced Artery Puncture Hand Model        39,500,000

GD/HS5G I.V. Training Elbow          3,625,000

GD/HS5M IV Training Hand          4,375,000

GD/HS5N IV Training Hand          8,125,000

GD/HS6E Neonate Scalp Venipuncture Model          6,500,000

GD/HS6F Infant Cephalic Venipuncture Model          7,625,000

GD/HS7 Advanced Blood Pressure Training Arm        21,625,000

GD/HS8 Child IV Training Arm          6,875,000

GD/HS9 Advanced Infant Access Simulator        17,250,000

GD/J10 Infant Airway Management Model          7,250,000

GD/J110 Advanced Trauma Simulator        40,250,000

GD/J110-16 Advanced Trauma Accessories (16 pcs)        20,125,000

GD/J110-4 Advanced Trauma Limb Modules        11,875,000

GD/J115 Simulative Multi-parameter ECG Monitor        77,500,000

GD/J15 Neonate Intubation Training Model          6,375,000

GD/J16 Advanced Child Tracheal Intubation Model          8,375,000

GD/J50 Airway Intubation Simulator         24,500,000

GD/J55 Multi-functional Airway Management Model        39,500,000

GD/J55+ Multi-functional Airway Management Model        60,375,000

GD/J58 Tracheostomy Simulator        20,125,000

GD/J5S Electronic Trachea Intubation  Model        17,000,000

GD/J880 Simulative Cardiac Defibrllating Pacer        53,875,000

GD/L260A Advanced Comprehensive Puncture and Percussion Examination Training Simulator        80,750,000

GD/L260B Advanced Comprehensive Puncture Skills Training Manikin(Anteverted Sitting Position)        67,500,000

GD/L63 Prostate Examination Simulator        21,250,000

GD/L64 Peritonal Dialysis Simulator        18,000,000

GD/L65A Bone Marrow Puncture and Femoral Venipuncture Simulator        21,625,000

GD/L65B Advanced Infant Bone Marrow Puncture Simulator        15,875,000

GD/L66 Pneumothorax Treating Model        18,875,000

GD/L67 Pleural Drainage Manikin        45,625,000


GD/L68A Lumbar Puncture Model        32,125,000

GD/L68B Advanced Infant Lumbar Puncture Model        17,250,000

GD/L69A Central Venous Catheteriation and Intramuscular Injection Simulator        27,375,000

GD/L69B Central Venous Catheterization Simulator        25,250,000

GD/L69C PICC Line        38,500,000

GD/L69D Advanced Neonatal Peripheral and Central Vein Intubation Simulator        19,125,000

GD/L70 Advanced Electronic Shoulder Joint Intracavitary Injection Simulator        29,875,000

GD/L71 Advanced Electronic Elbow Joint Intracavitary Injection Simulator        23,750,000

GD/L72 Advanced Electonic Knee Joint Intracavitary Injection Simulator        25,000,000

GD/LV1 Advanced Surgical Suture Arm          7,250,000

GD/LV10 Comprehensive Surgery Skills Training Simulator        37,625,000

GD/LV11 Advanced Trochar Training Simulator          4,750,000

GD/LV12 Advanced Low-set Bandaging Simulator        15,625,000

GD/LV13 Advanced Bandaging Model of Superior Position        17,000,000

GD/LV14 Advanced Ocular Inspection Simulator of Retinopathy        23,125,000

GD/LV15 Advanced Fundus Examination Simulator        27,000,000

GD/LV16 Advanced Ear Inspection Simulator        27,000,000

GD/LV17 Advanced Nasal Hemorrhage Simulator        14,500,000

GD/LV18 Surgical Suturing and Bandaging Simulator        44,125,000

GD/LV19 Aseptic Operation Training Simulator        33,875,000

GD/LV2 Advanced Surgical Suturing Leg          9,000,000

GD/LV20 Abdominal Cutting and Suturing Simulator          6,500,000

GD/LV3 Advanced Suture Training Kit          6,875,000

GD/LV30 Sigmoscope Examination Simulator        13,000,000

GD/LV3-1 Suture Training Piece          1,063,000

GD/LV3-2 Suture Training Piece(wearable)          1,250,000

GD/LV39 Advanced Rectal Touch Examination Simulator        24,875,000

GD/LV4 Local Anesthesia Training Kit          8,250,000

GD/LV40 Advaned Ear Irrigation Simulator        13,000,000

GD/LV41 Advanced Ear Diagnostic Simulator        17,000,000

GD/LV4-1 Three kinds of surface markers represent various minor operation areas          1,250,000

GD/LV4-2 Ring configuration is suitable for local anaethsia of finger and toe          1,000,000

GD/LV5 Multi-functional Minor Operation Kit        10,875,000

GD/LV5-1 Sebaceous gland resection module             938,000

GD/LV5-2 Lipoma resection module             938,000

GD/LV5-3 Common Skin          1,063,000

GD/LV6 Nails Extracting Training Kit          8,875,000

GD/LV6-1 Nails Extracting Training Piece          1,375,000

GD/LV7 Intestinal Anastomosis Simulator kit(30mm,10 pcs and 20mm, 10 pcs)        11,875,000

GD/LV7-1 Intestinal Anastomosis Simulator (30mm)             750,000

GD/LV7-2 Intestinal Anastomosis Simulator (20mm)             688,000

GD/LV8 Surgical Knotting Training Simulator          6,375,000

GD/LV8-1 Vascular Ligation Simulator          8,750,000

GD/LV9 Advanced Comprehensive Surgical Skills Training Simulator          8,250,000

GD/LV9-1 Vein Incision Simulator          9,500,000

GD/TCZ9900A Online Version of Medical Examination Skills Training System    (Teacher)      286,875,000

GD/TCZ9900A Online Version of Medical Examination Skills Training System    (Student)      272,500,000


GD/TCZ9900B Online Version of Medical Examination Skills Training System   (Teacher)      286,875,000

GD/TCZ9900B Online Version of Medical Examination Skills Training System   (Student)      301,125,000

GD/TCZ9900C Online Version of Medical Examination Skills Training System    (Teacher)      157,750,000

GD/TCZ9900C Online Version of Medical Examination Skills Training System    (Student )      137,750,000

GD/TCZ9900D Online Version of Medical Examination Skills Training System   (Teacher)      139,250,000

GD/TCZ9900D Online Version of Medical Examination Skills Training System   (Student)      130,000,000

GD/Z950 Simulative Stethoscope          8,000,000

GD/Z960 Cardiopulmonary Auscultation Unit        38,500,000

GD/Z960A Adult Cardiopulmonary Auscultation Unit        17,250,000

GD/Z960C Child Cardiopulmonary Auscultation Unit         15,875,000

GD/Z960I Infant Cardiopulmonary Auscultation Unit        15,875,000

GD/Z960N Neonatal Cardiopulmonary Auscultation Unit         15,875,000

GD/Z970+C Child Auscultation Manikin (One-year-old Child)        44,125,000

GD/Z970+C Child Auscultation Manikin (Five-year-old Child)        47,000,000

GD/Z970+I Infant Auscultation Manikin        42,750,000

GD/Z970+N Neonatal Auscultation Manikin        42,750,000

GD/Z980/A Digital Remote Controlled Abdomen Palation Manikin (Famale)        56,250,000

GD/Z980/B Digital Remote Controlled Abdomen Auscultation, Palpation and Blood Pressure Measurement Manikin(Female)        70,500,000

GD/Z990 Digital Remote Controlled Cardiopulmonary Auscultation Mankin(Male)        38,250,000

HLJ-13 Scarf Bandage               88,000

HLJ-B Combined Splint           1,000,000

HLJ-B/1 Polymeric Splint(920X110MM)             375,000

HLJ-C Multifunctional Joint Fixer          2,500,000

HLJ-D Multifunctional Cervical Fixer          1,500,000

HLJ-D-EM Multifunctional Cervical Fixer             750,000

HLJ-E Head Fixer          3,750,000

HLJ-E-EM Head Fixer          2,625,000

HLJ-F Spine Board (500 KGS)        14,000,000

HLJ-F-EM Spine Board (150 KGS)          4,000,000

HLJ-G Inflatable Splint Of Limbs          4,125,000

HLJ-P Thoracodorsal Fixed Splint          7,875,000

Mouth-to-mouth Face Shield Sheet (50PCS/box)             875,000

Computer Console Car        19,375,000

Rescue Console        10,500,000

TCZ9900 table        14,375,000

CPR Compression Board          4,125,000

Mouth to mouth Face Mask (50 pcs/box)          1,500,000

Mouth to moouth Face Shield Sheet (50 pcs/box)             875,000

CPR Face Shield Plus Keychain (50 pcs/box)          2,625,000

NB : - Sebagian Readystok selama belum terjual atau Indent 1-2 bulan

  - Harga tidak mengikat, sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah

  - Franco Jabodetabek


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